Keywords: arrow key, proper indication, bit cumbersome, user manual, keyboard, great, cherry, rgb, amazon, status, refer. Powered by TextRank.
I was quite skeptical about getting a 60% keyboard just because it doesn’t provide the arrow keys which some programs just assume. But using MacOS which does have global Emacs bindings across the OS encouraged me to go ahead and try one. There are quite a lot of models available on amazon including brands keyboards like Vortex, etc but I wanted a cheaper no-name keyboard with cherry switches, as I think the switches are the most important part of a keyboard. I found the RK61 to be a great fit for this. Cherry Brown MX switches and RGB lights. Even though I would never use RGB as I’m not a high school teenager. It’s a good portable keyboard and the typing feel is great. The missing arrow keys take some time to get used to, but it is doable. There is function key that makes the alt/ctrl to the right of the space bar double as arrow keys when needed. The up arrow coincides with the forward slash key which is a bummer as it is one of the most frequently used keys for me. The bluetooth connection procedure is a bit cumbersome as there is really no proper indication of the pairing status. I always have to refer to the user manual to figure out how to pair it. It does support different bluetooth profiles for different computers but the instructions seemed complicated so I didn’t bother with them. Overall it’s an OK keyboard but it didn’t become my go to keyboard. I got it for 65$ on Jun 16, 2019 from Amazon.
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First published on 2019-08-15
Generated on 9 Mar 2025 at 7:53 AM
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