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Elephas is a Mastodon client for macOS.
For the past couple of years, I have come to regard mainstream social media as an “idiot amplifier.” Numerous studies support the claim that this kind of engagement leads to unhappiness, insecurity, and frustration. I refuse to participate in platforms that base their business models on controversial posts and the interactions they generate. Instead, I’ve moved to indie platforms that are self-hosted and controlled by their respective communities. I recommend Mastodon for micro-posts and blog syndication for longer content.
While Mastodon offers a useful web interface, I dislike having yet another browser tab open. Browser tabs consume memory and create clutter, and I generally find web-based applications less enjoyable to use. I prefer a consistent experience with native applications. That's why I built Elephas—a simple Mastodon client that I use daily, designed to meet my needs.
This is what the timeline view is like
And here is the compose window
Currently it has support for
Planned support for
I work on improving Elephas in my spare time and there is no schedule for it. I cannot distribute the source or binary for now but feel free to contact me if you are interested in more details.
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~ 2024-10-16
Generated on 9 Mar 2025 at 7:53 AM
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