bloggen static site generator

Keywords: static site generator, external javascript library, single external javascript, list post, html file, bloggen, mobile, readability, screen. Powered by TextRank.

bloggen is a static site generator.

There are countless static site generators available—so many, in fact, that there's an entire site dedicated to enumerating and comparing them. Yet, I decided to build another one for myself. Why? Mainly because it's fun and because a static site generator is a tool I use frequently, and I want total control over how it works. Bloggen is a simple piece of software. Here's what it does with a source directory:

There's no theme support because such features tend to be distractions. I aim for the simplest possible layout and appearance. As a result, sites generated by Bloggen resemble an old-school mailing list archive. The only styling is a lightweight CSS file that adjusts margins based on screen size, ensuring readability on mobile devices. For posts that use KaTeX, a single external JavaScript library is included on demand. Beyond that, there's no JavaScript at all.


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  1. /2024/02/

First published on 2025-06-01

Generated on 7 Feb 2025 at 12:57 AM


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