Keywords: python script, desktop application, desktop development, static site, security breach, update, wrote, replace, swift, post, future. Powered by TextRank.
Update 2024-04-05:
I actually forgot about this post. I'm now using a static site generator I wrote in Swift called bloggen
. It has support for keyword extraction and related post suggestions using some simple machine learning. I like using Swift because it has a great type system and is relatively fast.
Update 2021-09-11:
I've switched to a python script and markdown
Update 2021-06-06:
I'm using a python script that compiles posts from Jupyter notebooks.
Update 2018-05-09:
I've switched to Hugo
Update 2018-04-15:
I decided to write a script using python + make to automate this static site generation. This small program is now obsolete, and replace with this script.
I just bought a new laptop to replace my mac book pro retina that was running kind of slow and doesn't really play along with windows, and with this switch all my main computers are now running on windows. I saw this as an opportunity to brush up on my desktop application development. I'm sure there have been tremendous amounts of progress on the desktop development end, but I'm oldschool and went ahead with the classic duo winforms/c#. I wrote a quick port of the groovy script that I used to generate this site as an application.
I used to provide a binary for this project, but I've decided it could be a security breach so I removed it.
Future me: Just clone the repo and rebuild the solution, sorry!
235 words
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First published on 2016-01-01 ~ 2024-04-05
Generated on 9 Mar 2025 at 7:54 AM
Mobile optimized version. Desktop version.